
A Candidate Ranking that represents how relevant a Candidate is to a certain set of query criteria.


  • Ranking to Candidate is 1-1

  • Ranking to Summary is 1-1

Query Ranking Target

You can search rank against different types of resources: Job, Candidate, Attachment, and string.

  • What's the difference between target_resource_id and filter_job_id? The target_resource_id determines how the candidates results are ranked (aka the relevance order) and does NOT control filtering - all results will be returned if all results are paginated through. The filter_job_id controls whether specific results are returned at all but does NOT control relevance. Filtering may be useful for example for filtering on candidates who have actively applied to a job.

Below are each of the ranking targets for the query and their corresponding use cases:

Use Case TypeQuery ParameterValue TypeDescription

Job Match


A /jobs entity id

Ranking results by relevance to a Job (e.g., job description, title)

Candidate Match


A /candidates entity id

Ranking results by relevance to an existing Candidate

Attachment Match


A /attachments entity id

Ranking results by relevance to a theoretical or ideal candidate based upon an Attachment (e.g., resume)

Semantic Search / Natural Language Search


A string query

Ranking results by relevance to an input semantic query (e.g., Experienced in Microsoft Excel)


Using target_resource_id

curl -X GET "${BASE_URL}/api/v1/candidate_rankings?target_resource_id=e69e1198-f02e-4340-ab24-51901afcefac&filter_job_id=e5e597e2-cdac-4339-a1aa-74dcd3895fc3&offset=100&limit=50" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}"

Using q

curl -X GET "${BASE_URL}/api/v1/candidate_rankings?q=Experienced%20with%20Figma&filter_job_id=e5e597e2-cdac-4339-a1aa-74dcd3895fc3&offset=100&limit=50" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}"

There are two endpoints for retrieving rankings, one to retrieve a full list of rankings and one to retrieve the score evaluation for just a single candidate.

Get Candidate rankings

GET https://endorsed.ai/api/v1/candidate_rankings

Query Parameters




A UUID id of an entity from either of the entity resources: /jobs,/attachments , OR /candidates. This target entity is used to search other Candidates that are similar or relevant to that entity. Only one parameter, either target_resource_id or q, must be specified. Must See Query Ranking Target for details.



A query string to semantically search Candidates against. Ex: Experienced in designing mobile applications and proficient in Figma. Only one parameter, either target_resource_id or q, must be specified. See Query Ranking Target for details.



The Job UUID from the /jobs entity resource to filter only Candidates which were applied to the job. If not provided, will query against all Candidates under your organization.



Starting offset index of the first result for pagination. Default: 0



Pagination result limit. For example, if offset = 100, limit = 100, the returned results will be in the range of 100-199 inclusive. Default: 100. Max: 100



The ranking algorithm Endorsed uses to order results and compute score. Version 1 uses vector similarity between the Candidates' relevant Attachments and the Job description. Version 2 uses the ratio of matching Criterion Evaluations.

Each version will compute score differently, so by setting the version explicitly, you can ensure returned scores are all from the same algorithm and you don't mix different types of scores in your application.

Must be either 1 or 2. Default: 1.





Authorization header containing the Bearer Access Token from the /auth/tokens endpoint. Example: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>

  "is_error": false,
  "results": [
      "score": 0.74,
      "candidate_id": "aaaad869-f919-472e-8142-29e5265d546f",
      "candidate_remote_id": "WVJ1n-mWVFcbkAPxkDrrA",
      "summary_id": "bbbb6d91-871c-453b-81bf-370bce9921a3",
      "nomination_id": "6702ef79-8d46-4143-92a2-83275b9ad51b"
      "score": 0.7325,
      "candidate_id": "cccc89de-c44d-4164-924a-569c2992dde3",
      "candidate_remote_id": "n3O_eaU4pzMM6Iow2QkaR",
      "summary_id": "dddd38ea-774e-43df-bf1f-1c8e0474542e",
      "nomination_id": "6702ef79-8d46-4143-92a2-83275b9ad51b"
      "score": 0.57,
      "candidate_id": "eeeebc51-babe-4668-84d0-94f22d58d4b8",
      "candidate_remote_id": "44Z84EvHejLxJl8OaxdOh",
      "summary_id": "ffffb070-4d79-4847-9077-fbe7e8860d72",
      "nomination_id": "6702ef79-8d46-4143-92a2-83275b9ad51b"

Get Candidate ranking by Candidate ID

GET https://endorsed.ai/api/v1/candidate_rankings/{candidate_id}

Retrieve a single Candidate Ranking result, including evaluated score for a given Candidate.

Query Parameters




A UUID id of an entity from either of the entity resources: /jobs,/attachments , OR /candidates. This target entity is used to search other Candidates that are similar or relevant to that entity.



The Job UUID from the /jobs entity resource to filter only Candidates which were applied to the job. Required at this time.



The ranking algorithm Endorsed uses to order results and compute score. Version 1 uses vector similarity between the Candidates' relevant Attachments and the Job description. Version 2 uses the ratio of matching Criterion Evaluations.

Only Version 2 is supported by this endpoint. Default is 2.

  "is_error": false,
  "result": {
     "score": 0.74,
     "candidate_id": "aaaad869-f919-472e-8142-29e5265d546f",
     "candidate_remote_id": "WVJ1n-mWVFcbkAPxkDrrA",
     "summary_id": "bbbb6d91-871c-453b-81bf-370bce9921a3",
     "nomination_id": "6702ef79-8d46-4143-92a2-83275b9ad51b"

Last updated

© 2024 Endorsed