Criterion Evaluations

A Criterion Evaluation that represents a determination of a candidate on whether they meet a certain criterion against a tag, job, etc.

🛠️ This page is a work in progress. Please refer to the in-depth guides and API reference in the meantime.


  • Nomination to Criterion Evaluation is 1-Many

  • Candidate to Criterion Evaluation is 1-Many

Criterion Evaluation Result Type:

Successful criterion evaluations will be returned in this format.

  criterion: {
    id: UUID,
    prompt_text: string
    display_name: string | null,
    scope: {
      scope_type: 'organization' | 'job' | 'tag',
      tag: {
        tag_type: string,
        id: uuid,
        is_standardized: boolean,
        name: string,
        description: string,
        created_at: datetime string
      } | null,
      job_id: uuid | undefined
  evaluation: {
    state: "EVALUATED" | "FAILED" | "IN_PROGRESS",
    result: {
      is_criterion_met: boolean,
      confidence_score: number (0-1),
      explanation: string | null
      evaluated_at: datetime string
    } | null,
    error: {
    } | null

Coming soon: Evaluation accuracy assessments

To help build trust and transparency with users, Endorsed will soon begin rolling out the Assessments feature, in which the system will automatically evaluate its evaluations across several accuracy axes, and provide that result in the /criterion_evaluations endpoints to Platform customers.

Please reach out to us if you would like early access to this feature.

Assessments will look like this, as a nested object within the evaluation result:

"assessments": {
  "errors": [],
  "assessments": [
      "isGap": false,
      "assessmentKey": "false_positive",
      "confidenceScore": 0.9,
      "assessmentVersion": 1
      "isGap": false,
      "explanation": "The claim that the candidate meets the criterion of having great communication skills is supported by the source material, which explicitly lists 'Good communication skills, great with quick responses to questions' under qualifications.",
      "assessmentKey": "unfaithful",
      "confidenceScore": 1,
      "assessmentVersion": 1

Get the criterion evaluations for a nomination


Gets all the evaluations for each criterion for a nomination based upon the nomination's job's criteria

Path Parameters




UUID id of the nomination





Authorization header containing the Bearer Access Token from the /auth/tokens endpoint. Example: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>

  "is_error": false,
  "results": [
      "criterion": {
        "id": "5f00531e-43c9-4bcc-a904-e5c3c2ac0481",
        "prompt_text": "Has 5 years of experience in Javascript development",
        "display_name": "Javascript development",
        "scope": {
          "scope_type": "job",
          "tag": null,  // Optional | tag may not exist if the criterion is not a tag based criterion
          "job_id": "af837f55-5d2d-4746-b26b-8ddb4c19aa5f" // Optional | job_id / job may not exist if the criterion is not a job-scoped criterion
      "evaluation": {
        "state": "EVALUATED",
        "result": {
          "is_criterion_met": true,
          "confidence_score": 0.9,
          "explanation": "The candidate has worked two unique software engineering jobs developing Javascript web applications totaling 7 years",
          "evaluated_at": "2023-09-25T22:06:01.000Z"
        "error": null
      "criterion": {
        "id": "69632995-93e2-4a78-aaed-b5779d879b54",
        "prompt_text": "Has previously worked in the food service industry",
        "display_name": null,
        "scope": {
          "scope_type": "job",
          "tag": null,
          "job_id": "af837f55-5d2d-4746-b26b-8ddb4c19aa5f" // Optional | job_id / job may not exist if the criterion is not a job-scoped criterion
      "evaluation": {
        "state": "FAILED",
        "result": null,
        "error": {
      "criterion": {
        "id": "176b6e49-0649-4509-be0d-f77a3bf8a7f3",
        "prompt_text": "Has previously worked as an Account Executive",
        "display_name": "Account Executive experience",
        "scope": {
          "scope_type": "job",
          "tag": null,
          "job_id": "af837f55-5d2d-4746-b26b-8ddb4c19aa5f" // Optional | job_id / job may not exist if the criterion is not a job-scoped criterion
      "evaluation": {
        "state": "IN_PROGRESS",
        "result": null,
        "error": null


curl -X GET "${BASE_URL}/api/v1/nominations/6427f970-70c0-4b42-8fae-5609cefbb1bc/criterion_evaluations" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}"

Get the criterion evaluations for a candidate


Gets all the evaluations for each criterion for a candidate based upon the organization's criteria

Path Parameters




UUID id of the candidate

Query Parameters




Type of criterion to filter criterion evaluation results upon. Currently only supports tag and org_wide. job specific criterion evaluations should be fetched from `/nominations/[id]/criterion_evaluations.





Authorization header containing the Bearer Access Token from the /auth/tokens endpoint. Example: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>

  "is_error": false,
  "results": [
      "criterion": {
        "id": "5d2374b9-f637-46aa-a131-f5a4aa409414",
        "prompt_text": "Has qualifying experience as a Videographer",
        "display_name": null,
        "scope": {
          "scope_type": "tag",
          "tag": {
            "tag_type": "experience_based_role_title",
            "id": "2fd70a5a-1e03-412f-b990-f4248e18af07",
            "is_standardized": true,
            "name": "Videographer",
            "description": "Adept in filming and operating camera equipment",
            "created_at": "2023-09-25T22:06:01.000Z"
      "evaluation": {
        "state": "EVALUATED",
        "result": {
          "is_criterion_met": true,
          "confidence_score": 0.9,
          "explanation": "The candidate's role in producing video content for recognized brands and his involvement in video content creation for over 10 years demonstrate a strong fit for the Videographer tag.",
          "evaluated_at": "2023-09-25T22:06:01.000Z"
        "error": null
      "criterion": {
        "id": "2fc0f456-6c20-405e-b8a2-eec5059c5e6c",
        "prompt_text": "Has previously worked as a Voiceover Artist",
        "display_name": null,
        "scope": {
          "scope_type": "tag",
          "tag": {
            "tag_type": "experience_based_role_title",
            "id": "48ed311b-6fa2-4d71-85a7-91fbe7e8e946",
            "is_standardized": true,
            "name": "Videographer",
            "description": "Adept in filming and operating camera equipment",
            "created_at": "2023-09-25T22:06:01.000Z"
      "evaluation": {
        "state": "FAILED",
        "result": null,
        "error": {
      "criterion": {
        "id": "3476fb35-9725-4d5c-b1d9-81d64eee69d9",
        "prompt_text": "Has previously worked as a Voiceover Artist",
        "display_name": null,
        "scope": {
          "scope_type": "tag",
          "tag": {
            "tag_type": "experience_based_role_title",
            "id": "c3d44241-ab36-42c8-b8ff-7bac8fbdc86f",
            "is_standardized": true,
            "name": "Videographer",
            "description": "Adept in filming and operating camera equipment",
            "created_at": "2023-09-25T22:06:01.000Z"
      "evaluation": {
        "state": "IN_PROGRESS",
        "result": null,
        "error": null


curl -X GET "${BASE_URL}/api/v1/candidates/b8c76214-d518-4d69-9aab-77b0166696d2/criterion_evaluations?criterion_type=tag" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}"

Last updated

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